Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Spreadsheets - Data Validation


To be able to
define data validation.
apply data validation checks in a spreadsheet

Task 1:

  1. Observe the demonstration carefully.
  2. Download the activity file from HERE.
  3. Save the file in your folder in D drive.

Task 2 (2 Activities)

Activity 1:

  • Apply the data validation checks as demonstrated.

Activity 2:

  • Explore data validation dialogue box and apply the required data validation checks yourself.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Spreadsheets - Reinforcement

February Week 3 


To be able to use a digital spreadsheet software to solve real life problems.

Task 1:

Open Class Register Activity File.
Apply Conditional Formatting to highlight absenteeism.

Task 2:

Download Task 2 File.
SAVE file in your folder.
Read and follow instructions carefully.
SAVE again before closing.

Task 3:

Student Feedback

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Spreadsheets - Applications in real life problem solving.

February Week 1 and 2 


To be able to use a digital spreadsheet software to create/format calculation based reports.

Task 1:

Download Task 1 File.
Read and follow instructions carefully.
SAVE file in your folder.

Task 2:

Download Task 2 File.
Read and follow instructions carefully.
SAVE file in your folder.

Task 3:

Download Task 2 File.
Read and follow instructions carefully.
SAVE file in your folder.